Mktcoin New Development

2 min readMay 15, 2021


Since November, a development team outside of Mktcoin has been interested in rescuing the project that was quite abandoned and stagnant. Negotiations began, which almost two months later bore fruit, and proof of this was that on January 1st the change of image began, and little by little the project has been renewed with substantial changes, among the most notable are:

1- Logo change

2- Complete renewal of the website

3- Hard Fork with several objectives (Not new coin was produce):
a) Change of devfee address.
b) Improving synchronization issues, implementing a new technology developed by our team (More details too come).
c) Launch of new wallets with the new logo and changes.

4- Some accesses were not granted to us due to mishandling or other reasons; However, they give us full control of most of the access need it to take over the project, so because of that, we created some new accounts for Github and other social media such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, with the aim of very soon to let the world know, about all the development we had in plans!

5- One of the biggest confusions we found in some people, was the relationship with companies that at some point made use of the currency and negatively impacted the coin, even when the coin never had anything to do with them, as a public cryptocurrency, any person or entity can buys it from any exchange and use as they which, but oh well, they are understanding more as we continue to work.

The most notable achievement of this new team, is the solution programmed the coin recovery that some companies did not return to their members, even though Mktcoin as a project has nothing to do with that matter and no responsibility; however, they used the coin, so the development team will try inquire into the blockchain for transactions that can be corroborated with a database that was delivered after many negotiations. The work will be arduous and masterfully long, there is no date of returns because the work will be manually to analyze case by case to avoid fraud by detractors or simple enemies of the project due to their misunderstanding of the facts. At the moment we have not fixed a claim time limit but we understand it will be for a long time, the importance of the interested party in being connected to the our social media where they will be given relevant information.

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Thank you for being part, Mktcoin is no longer the same and it will not be, it is a new beginning, 360º revolution, what was… already died… what is coming… you can see it in our roadmap published on the website.





Written by MKTcoin

Mktcoin is an experimental digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Mktcoin uses peer-to-peer technology.

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